HoneyBee Font

by KineticPlasma Fonts


22 font family styles

BLn Style

HoneyBee Beeline
postscript 161 glyphs 158 characters

BLnIt Style

HoneyBee Beeline Italic
postscript 161 glyphs 158 characters

Blk Style

HoneyBee Black
postscript 161 glyphs 158 characters

BlkIt Style

HoneyBee Black Italic
postscript 161 glyphs 158 characters

Blur Style

HoneyBee Blur
postscript 161 glyphs 158 characters

BlurIt Style

HoneyBee Blur Italic
postscript 161 glyphs 158 characters

Bd Style

HoneyBee Bold
postscript 161 glyphs 158 characters

BdIt Style

HoneyBee Bold Italic
postscript 161 glyphs 158 characters

Book Style

HoneyBee Book
postscript 161 glyphs 158 characters

BookIt Style

HoneyBee Book Italic
postscript 161 glyphs 158 characters

XLit Style

HoneyBee Extralight
postscript 161 glyphs 158 characters

XLitIt Style

HoneyBee Extralight Italic
postscript 161 glyphs 158 characters

Lit Style

HoneyBee Light
postscript 161 glyphs 158 characters

LitIt Style

HoneyBee Light Italic
postscript 161 glyphs 158 characters

Reg Style

HoneyBee Regular
postscript 161 glyphs 158 characters

RegIt Style

HoneyBee Regular Italic
postscript 161 glyphs 158 characters

SeLit Style

HoneyBee Semilight
postscript 161 glyphs 158 characters

SeLitIt Style

HoneyBee Semilight Italic
postscript 161 glyphs 158 characters

Str Style

HoneyBee Stripe
postscript 161 glyphs 158 characters

StrIt Style

HoneyBee Stripe Italic
postscript 161 glyphs 158 characters

UltLit Style

HoneyBee UltraLight
postscript 161 glyphs 158 characters

UltLitIt Style

HoneyBee UltraLight Italic
postscript 161 glyphs 158 characters
    KineticPlasma Fonts avatar

    About HoneyBee Font

    This unique handwriting style font is a testbed for a few new techniques.

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