Mauryssel Font

by Igor C. Barros


2 font family styles

Regular Style

truetype 484 glyphs 579 characters

Bold Style

Mauryssel Bold
truetype 391 glyphs 580 characters
    Igor C. Barros avatar

    Designed by

    About Mauryssel Font

    Another comics-like font. This were digitally generated, with mouse, that's not my handprint. This font has squared tips automatically generated by the software on which I created the shapes (Inkscape).
    Unlike most comics-like fonts, this family has a large character set, it includes Latin diacrytics from Latin-1 Supplement and Latin Extended-A Unicode blocks, Greek and Cyrillic. I don't know if I made some mistakes at Greek, because I never saw greek comics to know how they are and how they handle uppercase text (OK, I saw the cover of Brazilian "Mônica" in Greek sometime, it's written Μόνικα, but it's all I know...) And Cyrillic writes the language of my ancestors. I don't know if there is any Comics-like font with Cyrillic characters, but, I did this.
    People that talk any of these languages: if there's some mistake on the characters, don't hesitate to write in the comments!
    NEW: License changed (widened) due to proposals.
    About Cyrilic italics: the forms only change in some lowercase letters, so the italic will be exactly as you already know, it will made to allow the use on some applications that doesn't italicize the letters if there's no italic version of them.
    NEWER: Added missing characters in the Latin Extended-B block at Mauryssel Bold.


    Commercial licenses

    There are no commercial license purchase options. Contact the designer.
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    real name on the net? surely you jest
    10 years ago

    I'm pretty sure Cyrillic is the 2nd most common alphabet in unicode fonts (after Latin). I've seen several comic-style fonts (although I have trouble figuring out what defines "comic" as a font feature) with Cyrillic chars, including Marker Felt and Comic Sans MS. Also, check out Måns Grebäck's "Tusch Touch" 1-4.

    Rupert Leabres (RedeRupert)
    almost 9 years ago

    Nice! Igor! Nice font!

    8 years ago

    font is great but there are two characters missing - ț and ș (missing in bold, but present in normal). Would you fix that please?

    Igor C. Barros
    8 years ago

    @martin3361 Just added the missing characters ȘșȚț at Mauryssel Bold. I hope it's working for you now.

    Rupert Leabres (RedeRupert)
    8 years ago

    Hey you! What their you!